Musings on science, software, and cooking.



This is a strong margarita recipe that requires good quality alcohol.

  • \(75 \! \text{ ml}\) good quality[1] 100% agave tequila blanco.
  • \(50 \! \text{ ml}\) Cointreau, or other strong orange liqueur[2] .
  • The juice from \(1\) lime, freshly squeezed.
  • \(15 \! \text{ ml}\) light agave syrup.
  • A small pinch of salt (don't include if you're going to rim[3] your glass).

Mix the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with an ice cube and pour. If you haven't rimmed[3] your glass, sprinkle a small amount of smoked paprika on top.


A less potent margarita recipe in which you can get away with using lower quality alcohol.

  • \(50 \! \text{ ml}\) tequila blanco.
  • \(25 \! \text{ ml}\) Triple Sec, or other low alcohol orange liqueur.
  • \(25 \! \text{ ml}\) lime juice, or the juice from \(1\) freshly squeezed lime.

  1. Don't be fooled into thinking that all 100% agave tequila is of high quality, it's not...
  2. If using an orange liqueur with a lower (\(\lt 30 \%\)) alcohol content, consider omitting the agave syrup to avoid making the drink too sickly.
  3. 😏